Wednesday 8 June 2016

9 End

Another 5 more minutes, I will start my 2nd day of 31st journey. This year is truly different for me. I have never thought that I will see myself in this situation. But no matter what, another 3 more minutes left, I would like to wish myself happy birthday! The end of all dreams.. Life is a journey, indeed...... :)

Monday 8 December 2014

8. Love

I am those kind of person who will get crazy over a movie if i fell in love with it. Following are some examples: keep recommending to friends, searching for more reviews, reading characters' profiles and etc. And i never had this kind of feeling after "Inception" in 2010. However, this year, the feeling is back, a movie called "Interstellar" directed by the same director affected my emotions and caught my attentions again. After watching,  there will be only 2 types of spectators, either you love it or you hate it. This is how extreme this movie is. Put aside all the sciences behind (black hole, time relativity, singularity, event horizon, 5th dimensions….) and how spectacular the CGI was performed in the movie, this movie is all about love; the love of a father to her daughter, the love of the human nature, the love of sacrificing for human being… This is the true meaning behind the story as stated by the director himself. I just feel bad for those sci-fic fans who went in with the expectations of getting full spectrum of space explorations. There was a twist with the ending of the movie, and i was literally blown away. Imagine now we are talking about 5th dimension. What the heck is that? Its really beyond my current knowledge. 

On top of that, the main thing to grab from the movie is time awaits for no one. We are living in the 3rd dimensions, which time will only go forward at a consistent pace. In the movie, time was featured as the main subject. You will realize why time is so important in the movie, and we literally take it for granted right now. I was very depressed for quite some times, and after watching the movie and reading  a book called " the power", i tell myself that i always need to see things from different angle to make myself happy and positive. It's hard of course, but I'm going to stretch to a maximum extent to try it out and get this energy imprinted in me permanently. Anyway, for those who haven't watched this movie yet, why not get your butt up and watch it. Share with me. I am anticipating for your reviews. 

Sunday 16 November 2014

7. Speechless

I was quite emotional today. Part of the reasons is caused by the monthly menstrual cycle, and the other one is partly i feel that I'm being taken for granted. All the while i have this kind of feelings. It really gets even stronger when you're in this industry. Anyway, sorry for not writing any meaningful entries. This entry is just to remind myself to become stronger, and to become resilient of others' attack/ignorance. 

Sunday 2 November 2014

6. Mindset

I had great time today spending time with my kindergarten friend. We have known each other for the past 24 years (roughly there i guess!) But of course, we didn't really know what was happening back then.. memory wasn't well developed yet (but sadly to say that, even till now, my memory is still bad). I guess I was only good in memorizing textbook knowledge as i scored 100% for history subject. But today i am not here to talk about the past, more like just ramble on the happy random-ness. Like what i have mentioned previously, i get used to stay at home and never really like to spend any spare time loitering outside without specific purpose in mind. However i did it today (of coz triggered by the friend visiting me). I shopped quite a bit today (which wasn't the intention to begin with at 1st). I got myself a cute red hat (imagine the red riding hood, and thats the 'red' I'm indicating to). I didn't intend to get it at 1st, but of coz with the constant compliments from your evil gal friend, there was no way out and you just need to go with the flow. So i got it apparently and okay la - i need to admit that it looked not too bad on me la~ (evil grin). And today basically we did  nothing else other than shopping and eating. What i want to emphasize more is the gals talk we had last night. We had a long catch up last night. I went to where she stayed and to keep her company. This friend of mine has a very strong character, yeah, u didn't get me wrong, she is strong in almost every aspects - tough, matured, independent, optimistic (personalities) + right now she's so fit with 'packs' (results from gym). Her intention was just to lose weight like any of the other gals at first, but within few weeks, she got so interested and now she is trained to build her body up. Her perseverance was well praised by the trainers and she is now role model for most of the newbies. I can't deny that she really got me influenced and made me see things in different perspective. She had a hard time before, even now still i guess. But she handled it brilliantly, garnered with the power of law of attractions, she adjusted her mindset and saw things in a total different way. She is a happy person now! In contrast, what i am lacking of is the correct mindset. I always see things in their darkest way. Thats why, i tried something different today - the 1st thing that i did when  i woke up in this morning was setting my own mood (tuned to positive and happy channel). I know it sounded so stupid but it worked! at least it worked for me. Anyway, i still need to work hard on this. Its a homework for me - how to make myself happy and be contented with my life. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

5. Type ISFJ

"According to Myers-Briggs, ISFJs are interested in maintaining order and harmony in every aspect of their lives. They are steadfast and meticulous in handling their responsibilities. Although quiet, they are people-oriented and very observant. Not only do they remember details about others, but they observe and respect others’ feelings. Friends and family are likely to describe them as thoughtful and trustworthy. 

According to Keirsey, ISFJs, or "Protector Guardians", are most concerned with taking care of people by keeping them safe and secure. They are modest caretakers who do not demand credit or thanks for their efforts. But while they are essentially compassionate—and in fact exercise more patience in dealing with people with disabilities than perhaps any other type—their shyness with strangers can lead others to misread them as standoffish. Only among friends and family may this quiet type feel comfortable speaking freely. ISFJs are serious people with a strong work ethic, not inclined to self-indulgence. They believe in being meticulous and thrifty. They work well alone. While they may enjoy taking care of others, they do not enjoy giving orders."

What's your type? 

I belong to type ISFJ.  I find most of the points are well-desbribed about me as a person except for the 'quite' part i guess. But seriously speaking, i only talk to people who i feel comfortable with. And only the people i care will see the real me. I do not have to go extra miles to prove myself, as people who understand me know me. 

Hmm, "I can work well alone".. Oh well, mostly yes and partly no depends on the situation. Like what i have aforementioned, i am a 'shy' type. My work needs me to meet lots of strangers (which means I'm not comfortable with) and this is the 'show time' of my extreme shyness. However, one thing for sure, i am serious people with strong work ethic, i do not simply give false information and i stand strong my points all the time. I do not like to play around when comes to work. Guess this must go with my personality of loving to keep people safe and secure. 

Trustworthy is another personality which I'm kinda proud of myself. A big clap for myself!! Anyway, i find high reliability of this test in describing my personality. Of course, for sure there are some people out there who do not think so and love to do comparison with other sources to test its accuracy and reliability. But why? Haha, guess I'm just too simple-minded.

Guess I had kind of a rough day today. Didn't sleep well last night though. Too much thoughts! (oppps, this contradicts with my simple minded personality). Haha, Im Gemini. Okay?

Btw, just found this. Interesting.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

4. Unpredictable

Life is really unpredictable. I accidentally slipped my hand, and the Samsung Galaxy 4 was being thrown to my mac screen and now it formed a spider web (permanently). Now i really understand why Samsung and Apple will forever be rivals. I was really upset when i 1st realized it. But then, after minutes of cooling down, life is unpredictable and that makes things wonderful. (this is my own personal view, of course i do feel sad for moments, but seriously nothing much can be done, i have no healing hands) so move on and sure God has a purpose for putting me through this. (a hint to get a new one!) since this was given by my ex-company, and eventually i had some problems with my ex-boss. This can relate easily back to life and to my job as well. Life is really unpredictable. To be frank, i am angry with people who telling me that 'I can't bring my money with me when i die, so why not just spend as much as i can and enjoy', 'life is unpredictable, I will never know whether tomorrow I will die'  or 'i won't get into accident one, i am always the lucky one' so on and so forth. Yes, I'm still angry but nothing much i can do. For me, I always think that my own death is not scary at all, i only worry about those who depend on me when i wasn't around anymore/ when i get ill, will I become the burden for them? Think about it! Its not a matter whether you're well to do or not, its whether you can control your current expenses and plan for the future. But seriously i think that everyone knows the theories/importance behind, so no point for me to keep rambling here. Anyway, life is unpredictable, just like my poor screen. R.I.P, i am sure i will put you in good use at least for another few more years.

Monday 6 October 2014

3. Sharing

Had a great talk with my bestie and as always, we shared and learnt. Talked about how our deed will influence the people around us or even next generation. I am not too sure whether people nowadays do believe in karma or not (as it's quite an old-fashioned style of thinking), for me, I'm not entirely bind with that thought as most people are still on top despite the dirty sh*ts that they have done on others, people used all sorts of ways to get what they want. But one point my friend has indicated was quite crucial, karma might not act upon you, but your loved one/next generation. So really depends on how you think about it and whether you're able to accept the fate if there was really one. Im not GOD, so i am not perfect. And no one could give the perfect meaning for 'perfect'! But one thing I'm sure of myself is i won't do things that go against my belief and anything that go against the laws. So for me, theres nothing much to be afraid of when come to this. How about you? Money is the root of all devils, does this still applicable to this era of generation now? Haha. Its quite a serious topic though. But trust me, throughout the chat, we did lol and talked nonsense. It wasn't sound as serious as how it was being described here. 

Today was indeed a good day. Can you imagine? MONDAY is a public holiday! and i had a pint of beer! Speaking of this, i used to treat alcohol as one of the best ways to forget unhappiness moments. Those times were just crazy. Thinking that 今朝有酒今朝醉, things will become better when you wake up the next day. But that are all bullshits! Remember, choose only alcohol when you're in great mood and by this, you can see the value of alcohol brings to you.