Thursday 2 October 2014

2. Friend(s)

It really feels so good that you have bestie(s) who understands you all the time. I am a lucky one as I have one that knows me inside out. She shares both my sadness and happiness. She listens to me and always shows supports. She always believe in me and makes me think that I'm one of the best on earth. (Haha.. I'm not exaggerating, this gal friend of mine really has that ability to make me think so). But of course, for me, i also think that she's the most wonderful person on earth. 

Let me list down why she's so 'wonderful':
a. She prepared bento for me in uni time (although i guess it was because of the internet in my room back then >_<).
b. She used to cry with me (hmm..couldn't remember for what purposes..because i got bullied) - FYI, i used to be very feminine.  哭包是我的座右铭。
c. We used to hang out everyday (almost 24 hours) till everyone thought that we were lesbian back then. 
d. She cooked 'HEALTHY' food for me - too healthy that i don't even know whats the taste
e. She always thinks that i picked the right career (perhaps you're the only one who thinks so my dear.. haha)
f. She always love to praise me in front of others
g. She always does crazy stuff with me - (yeah we can eat whole day non-stop)
h. anyway, seriously am i really that perfect to you? Haha.
i. She gone through all my ups and downs with me

j. She taught me how to be less cocky. I used to be very cocky and think that Im right in almost every way. Everyone needs to listen to me as if i give the best advice and no one can have the chance to talk bad behind me. As if he/she did, i will revenge (of course, just talk bad behind). The worst part is, i cannot be the loser, i must win in almost every way; arguments, discussions, appearance, results, competitions….
k. She taught me how to be more thoughtful for others. I can't think of any person who can be as thoughtful as she is. 
l. She taught me how to be ignorant of what others say about me. Like what i have mentioned, I can't bear with criticisms. I will die if i knew anyone criticizing in front/behind me. Its joke to me now when m think about how silly was i back then. Seriously i don't need to be so angry right, just some little cursing on my mind will serve them right. - jk
n. She is environmentalist, volunteer for the needs, laughing stock, comedian (her cuteness/silliness always make people around her smile), friendliest person (can smile with anyone even the janitor - i truly find this inspiring, as when i smile with anyone on the street right now, you will not only brighten your day but their days too especially when they smile back) - my quote, "no one will reject a good smile" . and the lists go on.

Thank you. I love you as much as you love me. 

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